Rankings updated
Mark Sanchez over Matt Stafford? Check.
Rashad Jennings over Shonn Greene? Check.
Jarett Dillard over Brian Robiskie? Check.
Jarron Gilbert over Fili Moala? Check.
The Sideline Scouting Player Rankings Database has been updated. To avoid any and all confusion, we rank the players in order of how we think they will perform on the next level, not in the order of where we project them to get drafted.
Do you now understand why we have Jarron Gilbert & Mitch King ranked above Fili Moala? We simply think they are better prospects than Moala, regardless of where the three get drafted. We also think they will enjoy better careers in the NFL.
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christian Says:
Your rankings are concrete but you are a little down on mike mickens arent ya?
Posted on February 19th, 2009 at 1:18 am